Find Innovative Brands on Tradesnest

Discover consumer electronics innovative brands with Tradesnest. We select the best market-ready brands with great traction to help you find your next top seller!

  • Register for FREE
  • Access to market-ready innovative brands
  • You set your terms directly with the brands
  • Access your own dashboard to connect with the brands directly

Where Distributors meet innovation

Being on top of all the latest innovations is key to avoid missing out on the star product your clients wants to see. Going from trade show to trade show to discover new and innovative products is a thing of the past. We help brands present their products to you in the most time and cost efficient way. This process is as beneficial for our brands as for our distributors.

Learn how you can save time and money with Tradesnest



Spend your time wisely by finding products for your clients faster. Don’t waste time. Every minute you are not with your clients face to face someone else is.



Even though the hefty price tag is mainly for brands to pay to attend a trade show, distributors also pay their fair share. On average, a distributor pays 3000$ to 5000$ for flights, hotels and meals to visit a single trade show.

How does it work?



Register and set up your profile 100% for free. We will review your information and confirm within 48 hours.


Search Products

Search our database of vetted companies with innovative products that are looking for distributors. Connect directly with companies you are interested to work with and manage easily your newly formed partnerships globally.


Start A Conversation

Start a conversation with the brand of interest. Once there is a mutual interest, start discussing the possibilities of volume, shipping, retailers, certification, marketing and more.


Build a partnership

Building a partnership is essential to gain trust and to be able to move the business forward. Set clear goals and grow your business successfully.

Quality Above Everything


Rigorous Qualification Process

We qualify each member, both brands and distributors. Our pre•qualification process is set up to make sure every member is a verified potential business partner.


Access to Exclusive Network

With more than 14 years experience working with the best in class brands and distributors around the world, we only select the best members on Tradesnest.


Accessible Anytime,Anywhere

Want to be in full control when growing your business in a new target market? With Tradesnest you can start a conversation anytime, anywhere from your laptop or mobile with a new business partner in your target market.

Discover the latest Innovation